• Mildly acidic white vinegar, mixed half & half with
water, is a great spray cleaner and deodorizer for dissolving dirt,
scum and hard water deposits on smooth surfaces.
• One cup of white vinegar in the last wash rinse cuts detergent
residue and leaves clothes soft.
• A baking soda and water paste makes great silver polish -- but
rub gently!
• Sprinkle baking soda on a wet sponge to clean the bathroom basin
or tub.
• Keep a bottle of Club Soda handy -- it's the best stain remover
• Sparkling window cleaner -- in a spray bottle mix, 1 cup rubbing
(isopropyl) alcohol, 1 cup water, and 1 tablespoon white vinegar.
• Place a fresh box of baking soda in the refrigerator when you
reset the clocks in spring and fall.
• Refrigerator fresheners: vanilla extract on a cotton ball
or dry coffee grounds sprinkled on a saucer.
• Eliminate odors and bacteria: Pop (damp) kitchen sponges into
the microwave for a minute or two or run them through the dishwasher
with the dinner dishes.
Flea-proof the pup! Pour boiling water over two sliced lemons
and soak overnight, strain and pour into spray bottle. Spritz
and rub into the dog's coat daily -- spritz bedding too. Do NOT
on kitty!
• Whole cloves repel ants, peppermint oil is distasteful to mice
-- and cats hate any citrus scent!
• Welcome home! Freshen the air with a few cloves and a little
cinnamon simmered in a small pot of water.
• Boil one tablespoon of white vinegar in a cup of water to banish
the odors of frying food.
• Lemon juice or lemon slices added to boiling water and then simmered,
eliminates the odor of burned food.
• Freeze leftover wine in an ice cube tray to use in sauces and
casseroles, even meatloaf!
• Year-round car window washer solvent: combine 1 quart of rubbing alcohol,
1 cup of water and 2 tablespoons liquid detergent. It won't freeze above 35 degrees
below 0.
• Old fashion brown laundry soap gets rid of heavy-duty laundry stains,
helps keep pets free of fleas and ticks, and, in solution, battles garden pests.
• Cleaning paintbrushes with brown laundry soap keeps them supple, soft … and